تأسست المنشأة عام 1959 وكان لها دور كبير فى تأسيس المصانع الحربية فى الستينيات وإنشاء البنية الأساسية لمعظم هذه المصانع من مبانى إدارية وعنابر إنتاجية وقواعد ماكينات وطرق خرسانية وأسفلتية وشبكات صرف وخلافه وذلك تحت إشراف خبراء من الإتحاد السوفيتى وقد أًصبحت الشركة علامة بارزة فى تنمية وتطوير هذه المصانع وحتى الآن وعلى مستوى جميع المصانع التابعة لوزارة الإنتاج الحربى على مستوى الجمهورية إشترك المكتب بالتكليف المباشر فى الأعمال الإنشائية لإعادة تحصين دفاعات الجيش على الجبهة خلال حرب الإستنزاف فى عام 1983
ماذا نستطيع أن نقدم لك ؟ خدماتنا
نشاط المقاولات العام :
The Egyptian Development Company has extensive experience since its establishment in 1959 in the field of establishing and equipping industrial facilities in accordance with the latest modern technologies and taking into account quality and industrial security standards.
The company specializes in the following fields:
– منشآت صناعية
– أعمال جمالونات ومنشآت حديدية
– مبانى إدارية
– مبانى سكنية
– أعمال طرق أعمال لاندسكيب
– أعمال شبكات
( رى / حريق / صرف صحى / كهرباء / مياه … )
أهم المشروعات خلال العشرين عاماً الأخيرة
-Implementation of the factories of the Egyptian Perfumes Company.
-Implementing palaces for the Saudi businessman Hussein Qazzaz in the Ahmed Orabi Association on the Ismailia Road, with a number of two palaces, each palace on an area of ten acres, including artificial lakes, rest houses, garages, facilities, and the main palace building.
-تنفيذ برج النهضة بجوار نادى الصيد . -تنفيذ مستشفى الجراحة البيطرى التابع للهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية بالعباسية -تنفيذ حائط ساند خرسانى لصلب طريق الأتوستراد بالجبل الأحمر بإرتفاع 12متر -بالإضافة إلى مشروعات متعددة بالمصانع الحربية – مشروعات إنشاء جديدة – مصانع كاملة – مشروعات تطوير وتأهيل – خطوط إنتاج – قواعد ماكينات – أعمال تأهيل وتطوير مصانع سيماف وبوابات ولاندسكيب التابع للهيئة العربية للتصنيع . – القيام بمشروعات عديدة مع وزارة الداخلية العمل مع الشركة المصرية لتشغيل المعادن قرابة 30 عاماً فى إنشاء العنابر وخطوط الإنتاج بعد نهاية التسعينيات تم إضافة أنشطة جديدة لتصبح أنشطة الشركة مقاولات أعمال متكاملة فئة رابعة- طرق خرسانية / طرق أسفلتية / شبكات صرف / أعمال التوريدات
- Ministry of Housing - Central Reconstruction Authority - South Upper Egypt Reconstruction Authority
- Establishing an ambulance point in the village of Karnak - Aswan Governorate
- Development of the Zuwaydiya Youth Center - Edfu Center - Aswan Governorate
- Development of Al-Kharaza Youth Center - Edfu Center - Aswan Governorate
- Development of Nagaa Al-Sayeh Youth Center - Edfu Center - Aswan Governorate
- Developing the Hajar Edfu Youth Center - Edfu Center - Aswan Governorate
- Helwan Factory for Advanced Industries is one of the factories of the Arab Organization for Industrialization
- Establishing a central firefighting unit at the factory headquarters in Helwan
- Increasing the efficiency of the polyethylene workshop (1200)
- Construction of the metal structure for the raw material unloading room between the two workshops, the pump room, and miscellaneous works in the gas pipes workshop.
- Construction of the metal structure for the material unloading area (1) behind the polyethylene workshop
- Rehabilitation of floors around the sulfur water tank and epoxy paint on the floors, workshop 1200
- Railway Equipment Factory (SEMAF) is one of the factories of the Arab Organization for Industrialization
- Development of the main portal
- National Institute for Special Forces Training - Ministry of Interior
- Establishing a 300 meter shooting range
- قطاع الحمايه المجتمعيه – وزاره الداخليه
- Increasing the efficiency of the training center ward in Tora Prison (B)
- Preparing and modifying examination rooms for visitors to the office
- Maintenance of the public site in the Qanater prison area
- Finishing the fence of the General Office of the Prisons Sector
- Raising the efficiency of private bathrooms at the Central Prisons headquarters b
- Developing the administration building and the general location of the reception prison
- Painting the main gate and the fence of the Cavalry Battalion
- Painting kitchen buildings and agriculture, part of the general site
- Leveling and preparing the land for administrative services in Tora
- Painting the offices of officers and workers in the Agricultural Department
- Painting the entrance, the visiting building, and the guest ward at the farm
- Deportation Department paints in Tora Prisons area B
- Development of the Assistant Minister’s Building for the Prisons Sector
- Painting the facades of the General Administration of Central Prisons building
- Painting the training administration building
- Supply and planting of grass tiles for the farm prison
- Painting the administrative services building
- Raising the efficiency of the conscripts’ living ward at the General Office headquarters
- Increasing the efficiency of Liman Tora Hospital
- Constructing a fence inside the general site of the Istikbal Prison
- Increasing the efficiency of inmates’ toilets in high security prison (1) Tora (B)
- Increasing the efficiency of toilets for prisoners in Ward 3 of the maximum security prison (1)
- Developing and raising the efficiency of a service building in the reception prison
- Increasing the efficiency of prison facilities in Qanater
- Establishing a fence at the headquarters of the Prison Sector Office
- Restoration and upgrading of the visitor waiting building, restrooms and corridors, and construction of a new building for 6 new restrooms in Burj Al Arab Prison.
- Developing and raising the efficiency of public toilets in the Burj Al Arab prison area security battalion
- Al-Fath Company for Investments and Projects - Ministry of Interior
- Construction of 4 residential buildings for police officers in Al-Khamayel City in 6th of October City
- Fund for improving social and health care services for members of the police force and their families - Ministry of Interior
- Demolition and reconstruction of toilets with an area of 1,800 meters to serve about 1,600 students at the Police Representatives Institute in Cairo, which is affiliated with the General Administration for Training.
- General Administration of Training - Ministry of Interior
- Asphalt training ground for the training institute for non-commissioned officers and police soldiers
- Maintenance and development of the living wards and classrooms at the Individuals Rehabilitation Institute
- Establishment of a dining hall for recruits, managed by the police force
- Implementation of the second phase of the guard fence and towers of the prestigious training institute in Tora
- Dabsh taxi operation at the prestigious training institute in Tora
- Establishment of a living quarters building for recruits
- Helwan Engineering Industries Company, Military Factory 99
- Establishing the company’s main gate and constructing the factory’s outer wall, along with making decorations for the gate
- Establishing a fire extinguisher equipment workshop
- Establishing a workshop for locks and organizations
- Create the base of the circular oven
- Construction of a fence between Military Factory 99 and Military Factory 63
- Establishing a complete production warehouse
- Rehabilitation of the small parts workshop building No. 301
- Implementing the works of the western extension of the main power station
- Implementing the necessary equipment work for the metal casing production line
- Rehabilitation work on salt spray sites and crack detection in the phosphate workshop
- Rehabilitation of the floors of some production workshops
- Helwan Diesel Engines Company, Military Factory 909
- Construction of a building for a medium engine factory
- Rehabilitation of the large units factory in Helwan Unit
- Helwan Metal Equipment Company 360 Military Factory
- Paving and rehabilitation works for some administrative and service buildings
- Development and rehabilitation work on some of the company’s buildings
- Rehabilitation of the equipment building for the chillers and heat exchangers sector
- Al-Maasara Engineering Industries Company, Military Factory 45
- Establishment of an extension to the press shop
- Establishing kiosks for packing bombs
- Establishing mixing and preparation buildings
- Establishing a medical line assembly building and a medical testing building
- Construction of a detonator filling building
- Construction of capsule filling, padding, painting and control buildings
- Establishment of military sector expansions
- Abu Zaabal Specialized Chemicals Company, Factory 18 Al-Harbi
- Construction of insulation building code 420
- Construction of a new nitric acid concentration unit building at the Abu Zaabal plant
- Construction of a production building, code No. 530 (Ajjan Dynamite Building)
- Establishment of a production building, code No. 420
- Helwan Machinery and Equipment Company 999 Military Factory:
- Rehabilitation work on some of the company’s buildings
- Maadi Engineering Industries Company
- Establishing housing for guard company soldiers and a weapons lubrication workshop
- Rehabilitation of the club wall floors (Beach Club)
- Badr Al Islam Language Schools
- The company implemented the building for the secondary stage, consisting of a basement, ground floor and five floors, as well as the development of school facades and internal maintenance work.
- Ministry of Agriculture - General Authority for Veterinary Services
- Establishing an external wall for the Authority’s stores in Abbasiya
- Establishment of a surgical building in the veterinary hospitals in Abbasiya
- Establishing the Authority’s warehouses portal in Abbasiya
- Preparation and implementation of the x-ray room portal
- Egyptian Metal Working Company